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2023-10-22 21:35:28文/
      I’d like to say how really happy I am to be here today on this wonderful occasion. It is such an inspiration to see the faces of these young people who had just graduated after two years of hard work in this great school. I’d like to solute both the students and faculty here and the other eight schools around china and also the school in Luanda in Angola. 


      We have been working together for many years with BNVS. Yao Li is a great friend of Ireland and a great friend of Irish embassy. 


      You may ask yourself why is Ireland of so support of BNVS?The reason is that for hundreds of years Ireland has sent millions of population around the world as immigrants and as migrants. And I know how difficult and how challenging it is when the family arrives in a new environment and how hard it is to start a new life. And so the experience and life experience of the family whose children are graduating today with such distinction. The challenges that face those families are the challenges the Irish people are familiar with and know in their bones. 
      So I feel proud to be part of the family here and I’d like to congratulate again at the wonderful students both here and at other locations at your credit, and to your families and to your teachers and to your communities and also to your country, this great country China. I wish you all a very very bright future, continue to work hard. Don’t forget the lessons you learnt here and BNVS. And all you have this evening a great party. Thank you very much. 
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